Mr. Michael Smith is joining the Kepler team as a Chief Legal Officer

July 5, 2021 – Midland, Texas – Kepler announces that Michael Smith has joined the Kepler team as a Chief Legal Officer and will be advising Kepler and writing all of its Patent and Trademark applications. Mr. Smith is tasked with filing over 250 patents on Kepler’s world changing proprietary technologies under development.

As Chief Legal Officer Mr. Smith will be responsible for all legal matters including but not limited to the review and editing of all business contracts, developing the Company’s intellectual property strategy and executing it by drafting and filing patent and trademark applications.

He has extensive experience adapting to new challenges in technology and law and has supervised highly successful teams in software development and legal representation. He was the Tech-team leader of the 4th online banking system in the world, Bank One, 1996-1998. Michael also has U.S. Supreme Court Experience: Co-counsel in Ali v. Federal Bureau of Prisons (No. 06-9130, 2008).

He was the lead counsel in Former Employees IBM Corp. v. US, 2006-1588 CIT, 03-00656, that caused policy change in the U.S. Dept. of Labor. He has extensive experience in the aerospace industry and has drafted patent applications involving antimatter, rocket engines and space vehicle navigation for NASA. He is a former software developer in Internet, device drivers, medical imaging, accounting and inventory systems and stock price reporting systems in C, C++, Java for IBM, Bank One, Sperry Univac, Compuserve and others.

Mr. Smith began practicing law in 1996 and has drafted and prosecuted over 200 patent applications to issuance. Representative technologies include medical imaging software and mechanical structures, rocket engines, medical devices, wireless devices and software (including Bluetooth), database management, server software, disk drive controller firmware, email systems, Internet-based ecommerce systems, software development tools (compilers/debuggers), online client/server application systems, wireless keypad entry, mechanical devices, ecommerce business methods and spectroscopy. Conduct interviews of Examiners and draft responses to Office Actions. Prepare and prosecute agency appeals before the Board of Appeals and Interferences of the U.S. Patent and Trademark office (USPTO). He has also drafted validity and infringement opinions as well as non-disclosure agreements (NDA).

He has made applications to: the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Kepler is excited to have Mr. Smith and feels that Michael will bring his 25 plus years of patent and technology experience to the Kepler team. With his help, Kepler continues to build its World Class team of seasoned veterans in the fields of technology and law. Michael’s initial focus will be on developing and executing Kepler’s ground breaking technologies patent and trademark strategy. His experience in international and domestic patent work, as well as his specific knowledge of Texas law ensures that Kepler has found the right man for the job.

For more information about this acquisition please contact:


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