In an article just published in the refereed, International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (the IJAA), Dr. John Brandenburg PhD, a plasma physicist with decades of experience and is presently working on Controlled Nuclear Fusion and Advanced Space Propulsion at Kepler Aerospace, presents strong evidence of a Massive Thermonuclear Catastrophe on Mars, in the past, that was powerful enough to turn Mars from an Earthlike Planet into its present barren state.
The primary evidence of this catastrophe is pattern of anomalous nuclear isotopes found in the Mars atmosphere consistent with “R-Process Physics” in either a Super Nova Explosion or detonation of a thermonuclear weapon. The approximate date of this catastrophe was about a half a billion years ago, therefore in recent geologic time, ruling out a supernova, and leaving a massive thermonuclear explosion as the only known phenomena that could produce the pattern of anomalous nuclear isotopes found on the Red Planet. This pattern of isotopes is very different from Earth or any other known major solar system reservoir or planet. The major piece of evidence is a great excess of the Xenon gas isotope Xenon 129, known to be produced in Rprocess explosions. The other isotope anomalies are consistent with the bombardment of Mars surface and atmosphere by powerful neutrons produced by a thermonuclear explosion. Two radioactive hot spots, where radioactive potassium and thorium are concentrated, are found in the Northern sector of Mars and appear to have been the sites of the explosions. However, there are no craters at the sites, indicating midair explosions occurring many miles above the surface. A third hot spot in the southern hemisphere appears to have been formed by shock waves encircling the planet and colliding with themselves on the far side of Mars. Glass resembling “trinitite” etched by nitric acid is found at both explosion sites, as has been produced by tests of nuclear weapons on Earth.
Three basic points must be emphasized:
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