Brent Nelson


Brent Nelson has been in the field of venture capital for over 30 years. During this time, he has founded a number of companies that have achieved firsts in their fields. He has a proven track record of developing technologies and bringing them to the public markets or exiting though sale. Companies that he has founded include: Palmworks; which was the first company to be able to stream real time stock quotations to mobile devices. Mobile PET Systems; a medical imaging company, which was the first private owner of Positron Emission Tomography systems in the United States that could detect cancer anywhere in a human body. Interactive Objects; developed the first digital media player and then sold it to Microsoft as their first media player. Evader; was the first company to develop and then sell electric motorcycles and scooters in the United States and abroad. RF Surgical Systems; was the first to develop and then put radio frequency tags into surgical sponges so that they cannot be left behind after surgeries. He has also developed a Copper mine in South America and found a large zinc/silver/lead deposit in Queensland, Australia. He is the founder Kepler Aerospace, a company developing new disruptive propulsion and energy technologies. Currently, Mr. Nelson is a director and managing member of Kepler Aerospace, an active member of the AIAA as well as a director of SACSA SA. Mr. Nelson will be responsible for guiding Kepler and its suite of products and technologies into the marketplace as well as developing its Flight Testing and Development Center in West Texas.


Innovation through evolution and design

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Exploring avenues of gravity modification technologies and gravitational shielding

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Innovators of technology development

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Unraveling the secrets of our planet, and beyond

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Security through smart technologies

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